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Le WTAF 2010 se tiendra du 08 au 13 octobre.

Voici le message d'information officiel :

Dear Fellows of the World Traditional Archery

Time flies so fast. It’s already the last week of March, 2010. That means we will meet in about 6-7 months again here

in Korea. This year, we would like to invite the traditional archers from at least 35 countries. In order to make it

successful, we would like to ask you great favor and cooperation.

We would like to announce the following schedules for WTAF 2010:

1. Preregistration – from March 22 by the end of May

2. Official registration – in July

3. Tentative Dates and Venue

Dates : October 8 – 13(5 nights and 6 days)

Venue : Jangseong, Jollanamdo Province, Republic of Korea

Again, we sincerely ask your cooperation and great favor for the very successful WTAF2010.

Sincerely yours,


Personnellement je n'irai pas cette année, je sais le directeur du musée de Crépy intéressé.

Il y a environ 5-7 places, vous avez déjà pu lire ici ou dans TAM ce qu'on y fait, alors si vous en avez la possibilité, ça vaut le coup.

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Pendant le WTAF, une journée de séminaire est organisée.

Voici l'appel aux présentateurs:

Dear Fellows of WTAF 2010

WTAFOC (World Traditional Archery Festival Organization Committee) is very pleased to call for papers for the International Academic Seminar of WTAF 2010. We would like to highly encourage the traditional archers, scholars, bowyers, and arrow smiths, who have broadly experienced in the world traditional archery, to present their thoughts and experiences in WTAF 2010.

Specific information is as follows:

Ο Title: The International Academic Seminar of WTAF 2010

Ο Main Topic: History and Current Statuses of the World Traditional Archery


1. Historical backgrounds and current statuses of your traditional archery in your country / the world

2. Methods to maintain and grow the organizations of your traditional archery in your country / the world

3. Historical and cultural value of the world traditional archery

4. Methods and process to conserve your traditional archery in your country / the world, or

5. a research in which all the previous four details are combined.

Ο Venue: to be announced in August

Ο Dates & Time: October 11, 2010 / 9:00 – 17:00

Ο Dates of WTAF 2010: October 8 – 13, 2010

Ο Abstract: please submit by May 20 within 250 words in English

Ο Full-length article: please submit by July 30

Ο Length of the article: about 15-20 pages in MS Words with 12 font size

Ο Font type: Times New Roman

Ο Space between lines: double space

Ο Process

1. Abstract collection, screening, and notifying the result by May 30

2. Collecting the full-length articles from the individuals who were asked

to submit the full-length articles by July 30.

Note. There will be a screening process to choose proper abstracts and only the chosen abstracts will be asked to become a full-length article for the publication of the academic journal of the International Academic Seminar of WTAF 2010.

Please submit your abstract to gungdoo@naver.com , nohshin@paran.com , and any questions also email to this email address.

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salut a tous

la periode d'inscription a été prolongée jusqu'au 15 juillet

je tiens a disposition la fiche d'inscription que m'ont envoyé les coréens

l"inscription est gratuite:l'hébergement,les deplacements et les repas sont offerts par la corée

le voyage est a la charge de l'archer(e) qui peut obtenir une aide

Le WTAF est bien sur ouvert a tous et a toutes

c'est un grand moment d'archerie et d'amitié

amicalement jak

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  • 3 months later...

Les mongols l'ont demandé, les coréens ont accepté la question, pour ce qui est de la réponse et du financement d'un WTAF en Mongolie, j'attends d'en savoir plus.

Mais j'espère...

La question n'a même pas été évoqué cette année...

Les Mongoliens semble vouloir créer leur propre manifestation, ce ne sont, pour le moment, que des discutions tardive et vodka-isées.....

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